One day there was two girl name ira and irish ira and irish are best friend when miguel school in don busco both of them has inlove in miguel one morning ira saw miguel and say ilove you miguel miguel said what you ugly girl i hate you very much and irish also said hi miguel i love you do you know that alk of the times i pick you but you never ever love me and miguel was ambleshia and that why miguel go to ira in one morning ira and miguel said can we be the parents of your child and ira said sure why not and the last irish find miguel she saw and irish said you are not my true bff miguel is the first one i saw so pls give miguel to me or you want to see the ebedence me and miguel has already married so i must bring miguel to the hospital and he can change his mind so pls ira give me miguel so ira said bitch kalang pero ako super bitch so miguel is mine because he is the first men i love and irish get her gun and kill ira so she get you ding....All Rights Reserved