Julia, a twenty four year old girl, was engaged to her twenty eight year old cousin, Andrew for twelve years, immediately after her father's death. She loved her roller coaster life, or what to say, the one who made her life a roller coaster life. Her Mr.Right, her Fiancé, her EVERYTHING. Yes, her everything. The one who she was madly and deeply in love with. She was so busy in her life until she suddenly realise that her roller coaster life was hit by a storm, a huge storm. 'Andrew? Where are you sweetheart? Sweetie can you hear me? Andrew!' Where is her everything? Why is she so feeling so alone? So tensed, So depressed? Why is Zylen in her life? Will they ever love each other? Will she ever manage to come out of this mess? How arduous will her be life after the storm? -All of me wants all of you.