18 parts Ongoing In the distant future, Earth lies in ruin, a desolate landscape scarred by the ravages of time and neglect. Cities crumble, forests fade to dust, and the remnants of civilization cling desperately to the shadows of a once-thriving world. Amidst this bleak panorama, a group known as the Treaders emerges-individuals bestowed with extraordinary abilities that connect them deeply to the earth and its truths.
With great abilities, Treaders can summon storms, grow life from barren soil, and even speak to the remnants of the past. Their gifts, however, come with a heavy burden: they are the last hope for restoring balance to a fractured planet, but they are also hunted by factions that crave their abilities for domination.
A girl, broken by captivity and lost in silent pleas may just hold the key to ridding the world of its desolation.
A boy, forced to grow up too fast and see too much might just be the one able to save her. From the ones that hold her trapped...or from herself?
what will happen, When worlds Collide?
Trigger warning; depicted scenes of violence and abuse