Smoke clouds the air they breathe, it gets into their systems and makes them sick. In a way, they already were sick, everything here is sickness, sickness of humanity itself. Heather was correct. Every theory she had ever come up with was correct. A meteorite had crashed into the Earth and caused people to go into hiding, there was no denying it now. If anyone was to say that everything was fine, or would be fine for that matter, would be very stupid to think so. It was not fine, and she doubted that it ever would be. Family, the one thing she never had, but another thing that she strived to help people find. As she works with 4 other people to find their families, it just dawns on her how dangerous the world outside actually is now. Fire and smoke still encase half of the Earth, and people who couldn't fit into the shelters were outside, sometimes killing and eating their own kind for survival. The lines between reality and fiction were becoming thinner, as were the lines between Friend and Foe. In a time where even the closest of friends can turn on each other, what is a young girl like her to do?