ExoShiDae Series#1
I cant imagined myself been here in this crazy life. Its like riding a roller coaster, some things must come back, but the different now is that your in a different place right now. At least your having fun.Right . Isn't that enough? That your having fun.
You must experience too difficulties, hard times, storm days. Would that be last long forever?. Or just a pastime heartaches. But everything change.
Feelings, Surroundings, Events, You, Him, Everything.
Time fades fast. Like a drop of tears. you can easily wipe it. Like you can easily forget it.
What if you and the boy you are close with. then the other day comes you didn't notice that everything change, you didn't notice that the boy stole your heart. So It Was, You Who Stole My Heart.
By: IsThatMay56