Tales of Harmonin: The first part in an epic long saga. Tales of Harmonin is a science fiction fantasy taking place in an alternate universe of the milky way galaxy. The two main protagonist and their childhood friends wake up in a new world a thousand years into the future and are forced to come to terms that Earth no longer exists and everyone they knew and cared about are gone. As they look for answers as to why they’re no longer on Earth, they must survive the challenges ahead of them as a galaxy on the brink of war threatens to destroy the balance of life and ruin their friendship and sanity.
As the main cast begin to realize what human nature is capable of and discover forbidden secrets that have been locked away for eons.
This unique book; in not only its story and characters, but in the manner that it is told, has been written and designed as a “literal” graphic novel. The book’s written text on the left side of the book, contains about three paragraphs. Then on the right side of the book, there are illustrations in comic book form. Each panel representing 2-3 scenes happening in each paragraph. With this form of visual and descriptive writing I am creating a novel that will excite the reader as they visually see what they are reading as well as help those who are more accustomed to learning visually than mentally.
We've already completed the manuscript, and are currently working on the illustrations with my artist John Tanco-Rahim. I’ve drawn some of the concept art of the first three chapters and you can see some of John's renders on the facebook page via the link below You can also email me using the email below.
Author's Note: I've edited the Prologue and chapters 1-3. They have an over all darker tone and much more detail added. We hope everyone enjoys!
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.