"The heroes have protected us for a hundred years! What could possibly happen?"
Poor, naïve mortals. They knew not what was coming, an attack on the "heroes" our "saviors" our "guardians". Feh, it's all a bunch of lies! They care only about themselves. There was one I was once freinds with. He promised to return me to the mortal world, but he left me to rot in the Underworld. I fought my way out of Hell myself. I had heard that he had actually been killed multiple times, usually by some sick joke. The "heroes" treat death as a bad joke. A literal punch line. They'll kill eachother and laugh about it, cheating death with ease. Yet, my "best freind" couldn't be bothered to revive me once? No more. Today, I begin, war is coming, and today, I prepare, and tomorrow, "heroes", "villains", anyone that is a pawn in this twisted game shall be destroyed. Today, I shall become this world's true hero!