"I wish you're here, in our very own house beside the lake. I wish you were my wife. I wish you were the one who would be up early in the morning to cook me breakfast. I wish you were the one who would peck my lips when I get home from work. I wish your face would be the first thing I see when I wake up. I wish you were the person I would tell my bedtime stories with. You were the only person who listens intensely to me, and who was more interested." - Samuel
" I wish I could live longer and spend the rest of my life with you. I wish I could wear a wedding dress and you would be before me when I say my vows. I wish I could reach the day when you and I will be sitting by the fire, and I would listen to your endless stories. I wish we could have kids. I wish we could live happily ever after, just like what I dreamt of having. But somehow, dreams can't come true always if you have something more important to fight for." - Harley
Wishes can never come true if you blow it off over a dandelion seed head, or over a shooting star. Those are fantasies told by books for children to believe in something magical. But you can hope for your dreams if you want. Before it's too late - or you'll be sorry for the things you should've done.