A Child's Wish To Have Loving Attention | P!ATD (Panic! At the Disco) Fanfic
9 Mga Parte Kumpleto This book will only be nine chapters long. I'll be making everything single one of the chapters as detailed as possible. Anyways here's the story line:
Little Eugene Urie, a six year old boy, son of Brendon and Sarah Urie and this is his story:
Mummy and Daddy are always away. They miss out on the stuff I do, I love my Mummy and Daddy and wished they were there to see it. Daddy is constantly touring and soon Mummy joins him as she began to miss Daddy.
When they're home, they both don't want to bother with me. They keep saying their busy as their excuse. Daddy would either be on the piano, playing video games or in his studio, when I come to tap his shoulder, he tells me to go away saying 'I'm busy.' Making me leave, then go to Mummy who's on her phone talking to someone or her computer and when I tap her she gives me the same response like Daddy but softens it with a 'Sorry Sweetie but I'm busy.'
My comfort is the dogs, they can't talk or turn me away so I talk to the dogs, I cuddle the dogs if I'm upset or in a good mood. I want my Mummy and Daddy's attention back, I want them back.