~~~Sneak Peak~~~
She paused and sighed in relief, she panted exhaustedly by the cause of running in maze filled with mirrors. She held her journal tightly onto her chest, she was being chased. She didn't know what to do.
"Come out, come out wherever you are. Southeast." An eeriely and freakishly voice spoke up, echoing through the area adjacent to Pacifica. "Gah! You're making this super hard for me to accomplish, I need that journal, you know. Just come out!" A ripple shot in one of the mirrors in the hippie's corner, commiting glass shards dispersed everywhere. The hippie ran to another direction, quietly panting over all of this. "Ugh, now you're making me mad. Why did sis ever even assign me to do this?! She can do it on her own! Face me, SOUTHEAST!"
Pacifica gripped over her longish hair, with her lips forming a curved line. She whimpered, afraid of who or what she was facing.
The journal was safely in her possession, till..something snaked his/her arms around her. She could feel that person smirk from behind, feeling that person's murderous intent.
"Gotcha.." he smirked. "Well? Answer me now, Pacifica, a quick and easy death, or a slow and horrible death. Which would you like? You should choose the death of your preference. I'll wait all I can for you."
Pacifica gasped and glanced, "D-Dipper?"
The Gleeful Twins' Tent of Telepathy is the talk of the town in Reverse Falls Oregon. Step inside and get to know a very different Dipper and Mabel from the ones you're familiar with. Oneshot Dipper x Mabel Reverse Falls AU. Rated M for Lemon, Language, and Violence. Includes Pinecest.