"I'm a doctor, Rae. Not a vet." "And I'm just a person who volunteers to work at the daycare, not part of the rescue team for animals. Now shut up and do something before the poor thing dies..." "The cat seems fine to me..." "And you look fine too. But not or long if you don't make sure of it." "Aish, fine! You crazy woman!" Danver Adams is a young doctor that just wanted to help people. And by help, it means treating people's injuries and all that. Not help as in a person who you contact every time you see a dog limping or a homeless cat starving or a bird with a broken wing. When you need someone to take care of you when you're sick, when your roommate is worried sick because it's four am and you haven't gone home yet because you passed out after stressing yourself at daycare, or when you get drunk and you cry a river and you need a ride home when you see another one of your "puppy loves" a.k.a. crushes making out with someone else. Nope, he didn't signed up for this shit. Nuh uh. Well, he didn't exactly sign up in going to the bar and basically almost making out with his weird childhood friend (or more like neighbor), either. He's whipped as fuck and she's in her own little world filled with saving the lives of animals, taking care of bratty and messy 3 year-old-kids, and her weird taste of fruit milkshakes. Chaos ensues...Toate drepturile rezervate
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