I write every day, even if it's utter crap. 2000 words minimum on any book or story in progress, plus at least one exercise. Always room for improvement! These exercises also help you fend off that dreaded writer's block, that horrible time your muse decides to run off to the Bahamas without notice or inviting you along! These exercises tend to be written as rated E for everyone. Since these are also done in a "flash", editing doesn't always happen, so these will normally be fresh out of my head much like my Damaged Goods flash story. Please feel free to do the practices with me, and feel free to post a link in the comments so I can read them too! I will be adding to this daily unless, for some reason, I am unable to do my writing exercise for the day or can't get to the computer that day. Let's all strive to push our minds into becoming better writers. Ready? Pencils out... GO!
12 parts