He came into my life like lightning, a bright bolt uninvited; turning my world upside down with his irrational actions and dimpled grin, his unquenchable desire and eyes the colour of emeralds. And he gave me something I had never had before – a wild adventure and the illusion of freedom. But even then, I had to keep reminding myself, even once falling into the vortex of churning emotions ultimately I had surrendered myself to, that I had no choice. I was his Little Bird; encaged in his hold. ~*~ “I know enough about you to know that you’d be going home to an empty house, but even when they’re away, they keep you caged up, don’t they Little Bird?” A deep frown creased my brow, worry and confusion and terror leaking into my nerves, an accumulation of varied emotions attacking my senses, sending my mind into a whirlwind of commotion and chaos. I parted my lips to allow the questions and accusations spill, run wild. I wanted to reveal my disgust and curiosity in countless queries as to how he had possibly gained this information – but he spoke before I could recover from my identity previously reduced to a befuddled mute. “You want to fly away, don’t you?” He leaned towards me, my heart pounding wildly as I remained paralyzed and silent with fear. His curls tickled my cheek as his lips brushed my ear whorl. “I can set you free.” He whispered.