Seventeen x Twice one-shot collection. You'll find a various genres of Svtwice one shot in here. And, you may request any pairings you want + the genre itself! Only for Svtwice shippers <3 Main ships: -S.Coups x Nayeon (NaCheol) -Jeonghan x Jungyeon (2Jeong) -Jun x Momo (JunMo) -Hoshi x Sana (SanHosh/HoNa) -Wonwoo x Mina (WonMi) -Mingyu x Tzuyu (MinTzu) -Seungkwan x Jihyo (SeungHyo) -Vernon x Dahyun (VerHyun) -Dino x Chaeyoung (ChaeNo) Side ships: -Joshua x Nayeon (NaShua) -Joshua x Mina (MiShua) -Hoshi x Momo (MoShi) -Wonwoo x Momo (WonMo) -Wonwoo x Sana (WooNa) -Woozi x Dahyun (DaZi) -Woozi x Jihyo (JiZi) -DK x Mina (DoMi) -The8 x Tzuyu (TzuHao) -Vernon x Chaeyoung (VerYoung)All Rights Reserved