Kim Namjoon, kes omale pidevalt pahandusi kaela sokutab pöörab oma elu täiesti pea peale. Ta jääb oma vihavaenlastele võlgu, millest tal pole sooja ega külma ja kipub need võlad oma peas prügikasti viskama nagu oleks lahendatud juba pool muret.
Tema sõber Min Yoongi, kes on talle peaaegu nagu noorim vend, võitleb sügava depressiooni küüsis, tema jõuetus elust rõõmu tunda on keeruline, Namjoon on alati tema jaoks olemas, aga Yoongi ei tea, et truul sõbral on koledaid saladusi peidus ja kui see saladus tema silme ette jõuab ei näe ta enam põhjust maapinnale jäämisest.
Mis on Kim Namjooni saladus?
Neither Ash, nor Serena knew what the future would hold that day, but it is possible
Many years later
A boy
And a girl
Not as young as they once were
Might arrive at the same airport
Wearing their treasures
A faded blue ribbon
And a worn out hat
And they might
Just maybe
Start a new adventure.
It has been three years since Ash returned back to Kanto after beating the Kalos Champion. Ash decides to return to Kalos to reunite with a close friend, but finds something he is not expecting...
After all those years, is it possible she still loves him too?
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or the characters.
Thanks @Pixel_Stix for the amazing cover!