If you know me even in the tiniest amount, you should know that I am pure Dayne trash. And sadly, I don't see enough Dayne around. (and I'm talking hurt/comfort like I and a few others write, not that creepy slash stuff).
What you may not know is that while some Dayne ideas get turned into the stories you see here on my page, a lot don't make the cut. A lot just for the reason that the idea is too short to really be turned into a story of a length I would like to publish. But I don't trash these ideas outright, they stay on my phone, a lot of them in a folder of conversations I've had with desolation_tragedy, because that's where I tend to bounce most of my ideas around. Plus some of these will be based around prompts from the tumblr page "brotpsmattertoo" because that's where a lot of these cut ideas start (and a few that have made the cut).
So consider this an ongoing "dump zone" for those story ideas that didn't quite make the cut for a full-length story. And I'll say this here and now, if you come across one of these oneshots and think you have an idea on how to continue the story, just shoot me a quick message letting me know which one, and I'll let you take it in your own direction (with credit of course).
And I will try to put trigger disclaimers on each individual oneshot since some will be just funny, but other may carry my pages dark overtheme.