In 2032 there was a war. World War 3. The worst they've ever seen. It lasted for hundreds of years, bringing some of the finest cities to ruins and reducing the poorest into nothing but a battleground. In the end America won. They had the superior weapons and armies, but the funding for the weapons put the US under a lot of financial strain. So to conserve money they declared that a select group of people could live in the conditions of America before the war. Now over a millennia later sixteen-year-old Shay Mullegan and her twelve-year-old little sister Reese are living in the aftermath. They are part of the much larger group of US citizens that were thrown into ruble and expected to make what they could. But this part of America is extremely dangerous. In an attempt to escape the danger and keep her sister safe, Shay tries the impossible and makes a break for it.All Rights Reserved