He was the only sense of happiness that I had ever had, my body ached for him, I longed for him. His touch, his love, our love. I was nothing without my best friend, and my dear soul mate. For even if things were not as they were before, nothing has changed. He is still my only. I cannot lay here anymore, waiting, waiting for the excruciating pain to stop. It is too unbearable, I cannot cope anymore.
My sub conscious talks to me, I mentally fight with her in my head, as she tries to remind me I have almost lost, but I will not admit defeat, I will not let her win all of me.
I need someone, anyone, to take this pain away. Please...Just take it all away, you can have all of me, I don't want this pain anymore.
'Goodbye Selena' My sub conscious nastily quotes.
No, no, don't remember that night, if I don't remember it, then it won't be true, right? I can pretend, can't I? Tell me this pain will go away, even if it won't.
Selena at the age of 15 got involved in a sexual relationship with her Doctor due to his countless seductions , his charm, and drop dead handsome good looks. It lasted for a while, longer than both of them would of expected. It was love. Of course it was not soon after Selena became pregnant, and Justin blamed himself for it all. Selena didn't see it that way. She was just really excited that she had a piece of Justin growing inside her. When their first child, Jake Drew Bieber, was three years old, and Selena was finally eighteen. Justin proposed. They were happy. Four years into the marriage Maxwell Aiden Bieber, the second boy, was born. ------------------------------------ However, when Max was only two, Justin went back to his old ways. Their marriage was slowly slipping away. Selena wouldn't have that. She wanted everything to work out so bad. Later down the road she even had another baby- Elle Rose Bieber. Their first girl! Justin was excited to have a little princess around. You can say she even brought the family back together for a little while. But nothing could of worked. For it was only one year after her birth that Justin continued sleeping with patients, lying to his wife, displaying bad behaviour in front of the kids, and on some occasions even fighting with his wife. It was no surprise when she asked for a divorce. Would they resolve their issue? Would they find love again? Will they marry again?