In 1722 CE, the Year of the Minaret's Horn, a young woman finds herself trapped in Talboa Forest in the face of an oncoming winter storm. She is given shelter by an eccentric hermit who lives deep within the forest. From this chance meeting, an unlikely friendship is born, and Ari ends up with an apprentice to his craft. He begins to teach Mai the subtleties of working with wood, stone, clays, and metal. Impressed with her appetites for learning and creativity, Ari begins teaching her other skills as well, cloaked at first as mere diverting games. Eventually, he puts these games to use, and brings Mai along when he goes to assist the Constable with a case. But there's more to Ari than anyone in Tribeca knows, a secret he's chosen to keep hidden from everyone, even the young woman who has grown to be one he calls friend. A secret with unforseen consequences. Mai harbours a secret as well, hidden so well, even she doesn't know about it until it is nearly too late.
15 parts