Fairy Tail, a magic guild located in the Kingdom of Fiore, residing in a small town called Magnolia. These wizards take on jobs to help the Fiore's residents of any types. They make friends and enemies, compete and feud, love and cry, all together as one family. Although in the manga/anime Fairy Tail (written by Hiro Mashima), it follows Lucy and Natsu and the guilds adventures. This story is similar but also different at the same time. While the original story line is taking place, there is another character who joins in on all the action and adventure. Her name is Aremeda; more commonly known as Arey. Her enthusiastic personality coexists with her comrade, Natsu Dragneel. Not to mention, her abilities are much similar to her comrades as well for she is the Storm Dragon-Slayer. Follow Hiro Mashima's Fairy Tail plot with some extra fun intertwined with the mix! HEADS UP! There is some moderate swearing in here like in the manga/anime of Fairy Tail, so just be warned.
3 parts