One young girl, Chara, has been a diamond covered in dirt to her family. She's always being blamed and yelled at due to the poor state of her family.
Her only escape is a secret garden of golden flowers. But when those are taken away from her, she sought an escape from Mt. Ebott, a place rumored to be the end of all travels.
And the fulfiller of her wish.
But as life would have it, Chara finds her true family down below, and adjusts to living with loving, caring, sincere family.
One without the flaw of Humanity.
Just when things are finally starting off, Sans and Frisk realize their troubles with Chara are far from over...
Sentinaltale, Aria & Inky belong to @aguardianofdreams on deviantart
Lemons Warnings
Second story First story is How To Mend A Soul please read that first