Hi, I'm Amber Fields. My mental illness has always controlled my life, not that I want it to. Joe is the only person who helps me through it, I mean my mum tries but being the only one in the family with anxiety and depression- it's hard to understand. I don't blame her, it's not her fault. There is no one to blame but myself. Putting your trust and faith into someone is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but watching someone break that circle of trust is by far the hardest.
Now I've lost myself and no one knows where to find me. Again it's probably my fault, it always is. I miss my mum trying to help me, now I can only help myself. Not that I know how. I need to escape this place and find myself again- after all I'm the only one that can.
You take things for granted and once it's gone, you realise how much it meant to you. I took my happiness for granted and even though I didn't know it was there, it definitely was because what I'm feeling right now is way worse than what I thought sadness felt like.
Hi, Im Amber Fields and i need help.