This is practically going to be a very stupid useless Journal , somewhere I can get my thoughts across without being judged - hopefully. If you are going to judge I don't mind either, everyone has their opinions and I'd like to hear them no matter if they are good or bad.
If you know me and are intelligent enough to figure out my identity well done, but don't come at me giving me nonsense for what I write. If you feel that I have written something about you get over it, I will not give away people's personal information over the internet (their real name, etc.) So it's basically none of your business anymore and it could be about anyone in the whole world so try not to get butt hurt.
Thinking the things I think talking to people about my thoughts never goes well which is why I'm nearly always wearing a mask each and every day, but sometimes that mask slips and people leave me for it.
..... [Rest of description in Bio]