(This is a story written by my friend.)
It was a dark, dark night, full of creeping shadows and desperate cries to be
saved. Screams shrilled through my ears as I hurried through the woods to escape the horrid town, Withering Willow. It used to be a small, quiet town, with caring neighbors, and everyone helped each other. All of that changed. There's been three wars since the last month, and, trust me, I'm terrified.
Gunshots, shrieks of terror, wolves howling, you get the point. I had tangled, light blonde hair, with twigs sticking out of my skull. Then I realized something: Where am I going? How will I live life from now on? How will I earn money? Money. People are so greedy now, I can't stand it.
At school, it's even worse. They make fun of me, because I have a boy name (which is Julian), and I'm a girl, and I don't dress very nicely, I guess. I turned around, and I could see and feel the burning fire rushing towards me. I ran faster. Before I could escape, I tripped on a large, grubby log.
When I turned around, the fire reached my face, and everything went black. But that was the time that I found out that I met a magical boy. Dmitri.