I've just started a new boyband. Well, I am in it. I'm also bisexual. I found Niall but Niall has Peter Pan Syndrome. I want him to stay.
I like Liam. I love him. Liam is awesome. I don't understand what's really going on, but I know that I want to stay with Liam. But Liam has Danielle. He doesn't need me. Or does he?
They're getting suspicious. Being the dick I am I wore short sleeves and shorts.
I had to lie and say my dog had rabies.
Zayn's hiding something. I think I know what it is. Niall can't be left alone unless you want him to start a fire. Harry is getting depression. Liam is the only one holding us all together. Performing will be even harder as the lft side of my body is burnt
Everybody hates me now. Even Louis is getting annoyed with me. Mangament made me go with that bitch Taylor. I don't want to go with her. I really want to go with L............! No, said too much!!