There was the Bucky that was cheerful, cheeky, and confident. A happy man with a good sense of humor, a nice smile, and a charming attitude that women loved. After recalling his memories and starting over in life, this man that Steve Rogers new as his best friend could be seen more often.
Then there was the other side. A looming ghost that reminded him of what Hydra made him to be. Pointing out his flaws, calling him dangerous, and turning his passion into anger and sadness. He would block out the world and conform into this emotionless man with eyes you can't see through.
But deep down, he's the same man both ways. As much as he craves to be loved, craves to be touched, he's too afraid. Afraid to fall, afraid to hurt someone, and afraid to be left alone.
The Asset.
Makes it sound like there was only one, doesn't it? One assassin, one soldier, one life stolen and taken over to be used as a tool for evil minds. There was never only one. Hydra's bloodstained hands, people called them. And once one's hands have been bathed in blood so many times, it's near impossible to look at the skin and not see red. Yet, when Hydra has been pushed out into the open by the Avengers there's the slightest flicker of hope for the asset left behind. You see, I never had a Steve Rogers. No one is looking for me. The only person I've ever had is the one I was trapped with, the one that's now free. The one who, if he finds me, I will surely destroy.