I don't remember much of being taken towards the hospital just being asked lots of questions that for the life of me I could not answer and lots of tests being done around me. I just remember thinking that the ambulance was too loud and I just wanted everyone and everything to be quiet and to let me be. Not likely. I remember having the most amazing dream when sleep eventually enveloped me. I was back home safely with my family. Not on my own. Not constantly looking over my shoulder and not speaking to many people. No. I was back home, my home, with my family. My Mum, my Dad and my little sister Zoë. But instead I was running constantly moving from place to place, changing my name and my look just to keep everybody safe. I was just safe, happy and warm. I am not very interesting with my average brown coloured hair, dull green eyes and average figure. I've been running for too long now and it is time to go home. I need to do something before they get me, take me and keep me away for good. My name is Ava and this unfortunately is my story. So hold on tight. Good luck.