Title: Just a piece of paper
Written by: Ciel_Chiishoryo / Ciel / Cierruuuu (sorry xD had a lots of fandom name lol)
Type: Chaptered
Pairing: Gao TaiYu ❤ Huang JingXiang (sorry, I'm not contented with the ARTTL so I made this hahaha wanna see them so badly together in another BL movie or series huhu Missed seeing them togather already)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, only the plot since its fictional xD Though their background story here was based on their original life story. (a little)
Warning: Boys Love! Don't like? Don't read. Didn't proofread xD Sorry if it will make your head hurt because of the grammar. HAHA.
Genre: G, romance, slice of life
Summary: Same place, but in different lifestyle. Huang JingXiang, known as Nathaniel Hwang in the anime world is a famous cosplayer in China. Already known for his true to life protrayed of the characters, he is set to take a step towards the international stardome. Gao TaiYu, an amateur singer who won the singing contest on the TV but was not able to debut due to some circumtances in his agency, was already giving up in his dream to be a singer.
But one day, Gao TaiYu was invited to a Cosplay Convention to sing one of the anime ost, while Huang JingXiang was invited as a Cosplayer guest.
Huang JingXiang who is a playful guy and bored enough made a paper plane with the writings 'Wo Ai Ni' and let it fly, it accidentally went to Gao TaiYu's table. Noticing that it went to the guests' table, Huang JingXiang immediately went to the table before the guest were able to read the writings inside but it's too late. The confused Gao TaiYu saw Huang JingXiangs' face but it turns out that he fell in love at first sight, instead of shocked because of a sudden confession.
*Ikke rettet endnu, så stavefejl og grammatikfejl forekommer*
Jeg tager min mobil frem. 2% "wtf, lort" mumler jeg for mig selv. Jeg skynder mig ind på google maps og taster adressen på lejligheden ind. 1½ time væk. I bil. Som om det ikke skulle være nok så begynder det også at regne. Jeg skynder mig henunder et træ i nærheden og ringer til min far men i det jeg trykker på hans navn går mobilen i sort.
"Selvfølgelig" siger jeg opgivende til mig selv og kigger op. Jeg kigger mig rundt omkring men kan ikke genkende noget og der er ingen mennesker i syne. Kun en hal og parkeringspladser men ingen biler.
Jeg tager rygsækken af og finder jakken frem til Daisy, jeg giver hende den på og vi går hen mod hallen. Der må jo komme nogen på et tidspunkt. Jeg står i mine tanker, da Daisy begynder at gø ad en fyr som går forbi os.
AN: Dette er en fanfiktion om Mathias Gidsel dermed er ALT fiktion