I open my front door with tears in my eyes watering out as if I was being washed away in the sea. I march up to my room to weak to even open these doors, to weak to even walk upstairs, to weak to even see correctly. I keep crying wondering if he's all the way up there or all the way down there. But all I have to know is that he doesn't exist here anymore. I open the door to my room. The room where "we" slept. The room of memories. The room of happiness and satisfying music being played while going to bed. But to my surprise... To my room, Not only do I just see emptiness... but I could see a floating pencil In the air... And it drops when I entered and all I could here was "clink". I stay there in shock, staring at it, but then I finally have a courage to go see what the terrifying sight was. I walk up to it. A pencil on the ground beside a piece of paper beside it. It's a bucket list. It read, "Arid's bucket list." Why would that be here? Laying on the ground? It's pretty short too. I decide to keep reading... "Make a kite" Checked off. "Fly it" Checked off. "Take a sip of alcohol" Checked off. Then I read the last one and I stand there terrified... "Die next to my beloved wife..." That, was checked off too.