"I could never hate you, do you understand? Never. All that mudblood business; it means nothing to me. I care for you Hermione, more then I let on." His hot breath traced fiery patterns on my skin as he breathed the words I would remember until my dying day.
That day might now be closer than I had anticipated. "Why then?" I croaked out. Why isolate yourself?"
"Because," he replied, his grey eyes shining silver in the moonlight."Because of the curse."
Hermione Granger thought it would all be okay now. I mean, Voldemort was dead, they might have a way to get Fred back from the dead; and Harry and Ginny were definitely together. Things were finally starting to look up. But when a mysterious blonde suddenly reappears in her life, and she runs into her parents and their CHILD, things start to get more than a little bit topsy-turvy.