Eren is a very skilled thief living with Armin, Mikasa and a bunch of others in the underworld of Sina. He steals only to survive and tries not to harm anyone but still he is one of Sina's most wanted criminals, always on the run from the king's guards. So when a mysterious person appears who offers him and his friends the chance to live safely in the city above the ground, Eren is all fired up. But there is one condition: Eren has to steal some special papers from the king's palace. Nevertheless he accepts the offer to enable his friends a better life. But the night he sneaks into the castle he gets caught by the king Levi Ackerman himself. He chains Eren down in the dungeons to interrogate him about the headmaster of the plan, yet Eren refuses to tell the king anything about him or his friends, what only causes the king to beat the shit out of him. At first Levi finds quite an amusement in the boys suffering, but with the time passing his feelings for this bright eyed boy start to change. And even though Eren has a burning hatred towards the royals of Sina, he can't help but to feel somehow attracted to the raven haired king.
But the person who sended Eren on his mission is not giving up on his plan so easily...
So, this is my first story here on wattpad, so I would appreciate some feedback or suggestions for the story.
WARNING: The story will contain some violence, swearing and probably smut, too.
This is Ereri/Riren, don't like, don't read
Of course I don't own any of the characters, I'm not Isayama, all credit to him
Sie will sich nur auf sich konzentrieren- „keine Jungs" sagt sie zu sich selber, aber kann er sie umstimmen?
Kenan Yildiz ist Fußballer und konzentriert sich nur auf sich- „Ich muss mich auf fußball konzentrieren und auf sonst nichts anderes" sind seine worte, aber was ist wenn sie ihn umstimmen kann?
Ob deren Liebesgeschichte gut endet, und ob diese Story überhaupt eine Liebesgeschichte ist? Viel spaß beim beantworten dieser Fragen :)