This is a nonfiction story me and my best friend Alyssa also known as queen55503 met a black cat close to halloween last year and we had some sort of bond he was like a person he followed us everywhere to the bus down the street you name it. he was also really friendly exept when it came to touching his stomach. Mow Mow was missing one day and he came back when i was bringing him water, one of his eyes were blood shot and two of his teeth were chipped. I tried to come up with a logical inference maybe he got kicked... well his owners kept him in and its not the same with out him me and Alyssa miss him dearly we would die to have him back. Mow Mow is at the vet right now and he needs surgery on his face if the surgery goes well he will lose one of his eyes . IF the surgery fails they will put him down.......