Hi there! First of all you might be thinking what is it? Well this is where my thoughts and emotions found - Poems of course. Here's the thing, I'm a privatey (I wish such word exist for I always used it in my mind) Person. I grow up not really open about my likes, my hates and all that stuff. *inner voice: that's so like of you* But I have decided that I want to give some piece of what's on my mind. Well likely I cant do that with human beings first so I'm doing it here. Anyways. Hopefully my poems, or shall I say my Piece of Mind thingy will be able to affect you or can move you. *inner voice: such ambitious spirit you have there gurl * *my other inner voice:shutdup don't interrupt my feels* Okay enough with the inner battles. So I don't want to be a cringe-worth fella so I'm stopping here. Hope you will enjoy or puke with my thoughts! Thank you. Xoxo, littlestarsin20All Rights Reserved
1 part