I pulled back, looking at him with pleading eyes, I just needed it that time.
"Don't make me-" He started, his voice resigned and tired.
"Please." My lips shook. The tears pooled down, even though trying to stop them... they just needed something else to take over my mind.
I needed it so much and I didn't want to be all alone there. It was all new to me as well, I couldn't fight the feeling.
I guess words meant too little when it was too late. I wish I knew back then what I know now and listen to my own my advice.
But the moment dragged on as he looked at me with his green orbs drowned in sorrow... or maybe even pity for my state.
He closed his eyes, a single tear rolled down as he nodded slowly, pained by it all just as myself.
"The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense." -Jane Austen.
You've seen the Bad Girl, Wild Child and many other books where the bitch is on the loose and you'd have to hide from her to prevent from trouble. But in my story, she's no bitch... she's just the girl who wants to be alone and go running back to her father who is never there. If you meet her, you'd say she was just a girl, not willing to get out of her cacoon. The butterfly is beautiful but the sticks and stones kill it.
Sticks and stones are what she has made for her weapons for those who try to break her cocoon.
But staying too long in the cocoon might be dangerous. The sleeping beauty needs her prince to kiss her to wake up and enjoy the kingdom that awaits.
But in this case, a simple kiss is not enough...