After decades of strife following a conflict with an alien Enemy, mankind has taken to the stars and formed the Earth Concordium. Colonies have been settled in several nearby star systems and peaceful contact has been made with a few sentient non-human civilizations. The problems of overpopulation, hunger, and disease on Earth are slowly but surely becoming things of the past. Into this seeming utopia comes Dr. Michael Oliver and Lieutenant Commander Joseph Medeiros, heroes of the war with the Enemy, and men nearly a century out of time. Thanks to recently discovered research Dr. Oliver pioneered before the war, a special project has begun within the Earth Concordium Space Agency to develop a method of faster-than-light travel, and both men eagerly join up. All is not well for Michael's childhood friend Joseph, however, as he's discovered that his cherished family have either all died off or disappeared in a terrible accident which brought an end to human colonization. Although he has devoted himself to the Project as lead test pilot, he remains conflicted regarding his role in this new world, unsure if he can or even wants to carry on without his loved ones. Michael is as utterly devoted to Joseph as he is to the Project, as Joseph is the last remaining link to his own past, but soon finds himself conflicted once Joseph is imperiled during a test flight. Against the wishes of the ECSA, he assembles a team and sets off to rescue his friend in an untested, incomplete starship, Antares One...All Rights Reserved
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