Cindy's journey into the world of Alzheimer's began in 2008. Her mother would forget a friend's name, misplace her money, repeatedly ask the same question, or simply forget what Cindy had said just five minutes ago.
Tracing the various stages of Alzheimer's that Cindy and her Mom have gone through, this book is an honest, humorous and poignant portrayal of their struggle with the disease. Inside you will read --
* The many ways Cindy uses to calm her mother down when she gets agitated;
* The perfect time for a caregiver to take a break --- and it's not when the patient is asleep!;
* Everyday stories of love and laughter;
* Why entering the patient's world is better than insisting on our reality;
* The ten ways to survive and thrive while taking care of a patient with Alzheimer's.
Are you ready to enter this world--even if just for the length of this book?
Light reading and yet insightful, this book will help you to see life in a new way, laugh and cry at times, and be thankful for the gift of family.