This storyline is the most twisted romantic, and a fully dramatic timeline. The whole sequence includes a young girl named Muejiza 'Iistar who is involved with two of the most famous men in the world, Prince Rogers Nelson and Michael Joseph Jackson. Even though Muejiza was onced involved with Prince in their past marriage, she still is deeply in love with him, but doesn't want to leave her second husband Michael Joseph Jackson that she is also deeply in love with.Muejiza has dealt with Prince's conspiracies in the past and also in the present because of her maintained friendly relationship with him, and also she had dealt with Michael's conspiracies when they were dating and more forceful ones now that they were married.Dealing with celebrities rumors and scandals was no big deal to her, but the question really was is it possible to be in love with two men at the same time, but not giving the other man his fulfilled sexual desires at the same time? Muejiza was the key to the purple sky that caused purple rain, but she was also the butterfly that never flew but stayed. The Purple Rain That Walked Away.