Once upon a time, there lived a duck that grew up a time country side. she lived a happy and contented life until it was time for her to lay her offspring the duck had been sitting on her nest walching for her eggs to hatch. she got excited when one shell cracked after one mother from each egg came a cute duckling that lifted its head and cried "quack quack". four ducklings had come out from their shell but there was still one already tired sitling on egg, but she reated herself again on the rest.Grand mother duck paid her a visit. she said " maybe it is a turkey egg so better leave it". But mother duck ignore her advice, the duck sat on the nest patiently and waited until one morning the large egg finally broke.From the shell crept a very large and ugly duckling.She was shocked.She could not believe that little bird was her duck"Quack quack" cried the duckling and looked lovingly at her. after that many duck are bulied herself and she always cry....... THE END.........All Rights Reserved