The unforgettable story based on Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize winning book of 1961. This richly textured short story, woven from the strands of small town life, is through the eyes of Arthur [Boo] Radley; the mysterious man who has never set foot outside; until one day a few children appear in his yard. He begins to be interested in them, and starts to leave gifts behind for them. But one day his brother finds out about him communicating with the children, when they leave their tyre behind at the Radley's and asks where it is. Since this day he is closely monitored; but he is eager to do something that will involve him breaking the rules of the Radley family; that is to set foot outside for the first time in many years, in order to return the tyre to them. This short story carries us on an odyssey through to the perspective of a good human; damaged emotionally by others, who are presumed evil. Presenting a side of Arthur that has never seen before in the original story.