Madara was gone again leaving Pein with Konan again.Konan was sad.Because she feared that Pein would might die. She did'nt wear her cloak.She sat against the wall in a single room. She was scared. Pein would might even be upset with her if he found her crying.Konan had heard the door open. What she saw entered was Pein. Pein looked down at Konan.Konan hid her face. Pein had frowned.He kneeled down next to her. He listened to her soft cries. "Konan...Please tell me what's wrong?",He asked. Konan was too scared to face Pein.He. lifted Konan's beautiful face. She finally lifted her face. Pein had placed his hands on Konan's white cheeks. Pein's hands were cold,clammy. "Pein,I'm just worried for you.",She said. "I see.I was looking for you.",Pein said. Pein. leaned in.He kissed her.She placed her hands on Pein's wrists. Konan's cheeks turned peachy pink. She closed her eyes. "I love you Konan.I am willing to betray Madara in order to be with you.",Pein said. "I love you too.",She said.All Rights Reserved