Amber is a life loving teen, she loves her mom and they have a great life together. Amber quickly learns that her single mother really wants to get serious with sombody, and this sombody in particular as a son.
A son her age.
Daniel is damaged. Heavily abused by his biological father, and bouncing around from foster home to foster home through most of his teen years has created a hardshelled, almost emotionless boy. He loves to fight, he feels like it gives him power and wishes that every one of his victims could be his father.
Amber wants to help Daniel, she's knows some of the hardships of abuse and wants to save Daniel, but what if he isn't the one who needs saving?
this is about a teenager girl named anaya and she is being abused and rape by her mom's drunk boyfriend and when she goes to her mom about the situation Jeff lies so one day it's time for anaya to get out before its to late but then anaya becomes coldhearted and gets revenge on the ppl that did her wrong from the help of her friends and she finds love from a person she never thought would be hers