Akari Miyamoto is a girl of 17 years old who lives in Japan, in the city of Tokyo, with her parents and her annoying but introverted younger brother. Her life is seemingly normal, and strives in high school to get into a good college. However, her difficulties to sleep during her childhood because of premonitory dreams start to become very recurrent and disturbing. And so she begins to experience a recurrent nightmare, involving some dark place with an abandoned chair, a frightening cold that predicts a constant danger and a hysterical laugh somewhere in the distance. The unknown presence, hidden in the darkness, says only one phrase to the girl, with a soft yet creepy tone: "Soon, you will be dead too, Akari" All rights reserved. If you do plagiarism the Wattpad monster will come out of your closet and eat you. Genre: Psychological Thriller.
7 parts