Mia, (Wisteriamoon) Just arrived at a new high school. She finds that some of her classmates act strange. She needs to find answers, and be accepted into their "group". She takes a liking to one, Julian.
Will Mia become like them? Does Julian like her?
A/N: I know that they don't live in the same place, but in this story everyone will be the same age.
List of Characters: (So far) Mia/WisteriaMoon, j2/King Bean/ Julian, 7/Aparri/James, Bepper/Sara(h) Snowyclaw/Snowy, Wootmoo, Skorm/Eric, Wooshiewoo, Cami, Clark Stacey, Animaljam330/Wollfeycat/Lauren, LilacPetal/Marrissa, Twinkle0122, LegitNick, Libertyy, +More