I stood with one foot pressed against one rung of the ladder that stood braced against the huge shelf, while the other foot went in search of another rung on which to balance my weight. Never again would I climb a ladder, I promised myself, but for now, I had to get down to the safety of the floor. I eventually found the next rung and placed my foot against it in an attempt to get down. There was no way I was looking down while I stood on the ladder, better to get down and not look. I placed my entire weight on the rung of the ladder and my hands lost their grip on the ladder just as the rung broke beneath my foot. "You should be more careful, you know. Get a better ladder, not the termite infested one." I opened my eyes and found I wasn't on the floor writhing in pain. Actually, I was being carried by really strong hands, hands that most definitely belonged to the person who had just spoken. I looked up at my saviour with the intent to thank him and froze, the words dying in my throat as I stared into eyes that had haunted my thoughts for so long. _______________________________________ Vent: 12S4H Kik. : Ambience_99 Wattpad: Jennifer_Forest.