29 parti Completa "Okay, but you can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?" Stiles argued as Diana sighed heavily with a roll of her eyes.
"What I'm saying is maybe that wouldn't be so bad, Stiles." She said. "Look, I'm just tired of fighting all the time. So, if we're done here and there's nothing to see... Can we please go home?"
Stiles hesitated at her words, his eyes lingering on his girlfriend for a moment as he realized just how much she was still affected by the events of the last time they went up against the supernatural. And of course she would be. After all, it had been only three months since she had not only lost her brother, but also, her dad who, in spite of the many attempts Stiles and the sheriff had made to get him to break, still refused to even acknowledge Diana's existence and, as much as she tried to pretend she was fine now, Stiles knew better than that. So, of course he would have taken her home when she asked and maybe he should have listened to her and not dragged her out of their bed in the middle of the night so much, but this time... This time it was different. He felt like there was something there. He knew there was.
"Can I have thirty minutes, please?" Stiles asked, his eyes set on Diana as he flinched when the girl sighed, exasperated.
"I'll give you fifteen."
Set in season 6
Some of the dialogue and characters aren't mind, only Diana's story line. All of the rights go to their rightful owners