Barry had defeated Eobard 3 months ago. He finally gets to live a normal life until one day changes that possibly even forever.
This story about The Flash, is not based off the TV show or comics, although ai do use the characters from them. I prefer to build my own story line to provide a story that you haven't seen happen yet. Enjoy ⚡️⚡️
Im not putting the Authors Notes or different points of view in the story, I feel it takes away. The whole story will be done as Barry Allen, or The Flash. Oh and final thing, the story is not x reader. If you have questions about anything you feel would go in an authors note or something, just ask me in comments, I'll respond ASAP.
Anything in italics, thats also centered is flashbacks. These are inputted to clarify events that happened before the story, for a better understanding of whats going on. Im attempting to make these flashbacks as relevant as possible.
- EnderMist_123