kamikaze: /ˌkamɪˈkɑːzi/ noun: kamikaze; plural noun: kamikazes 1. (in the Second World War) a Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target. "To put it simply I'm a klutz. Actually klutz doesn't even begin to cover it." Venus is a one-girl disaster zone. A catastrophe on legs if you will, always seconds away from her next big fall which always leads to mass destruction to anything around her. After hearing latest and maybe the most embarrassing fall to date, Venus is determined to change her ways. And what better way to do that by changing your whole look and graffiti the school AND make sure everyone knows who they are dealing with. Not Venus The Major Klutz, but Venus The Effing Amazing. ©DaydreamerscloudAll Rights Reserved