I squeezed my face while washing the dishes ,my heart was heavy,had lots of thought running through my mind,then I heard my name with aloud scream,it was my mum calling out loud like I just killed someone,I sluggishly cleaned my hand and I went up the stairs,before I could climb up she was already there standing at the doorway,well dressed,with a long green flowing gown and her dazzling make over,I must agree she looked younger than a 41 year old mother,I got out of my thoughts when I heard her call my name Sarah are u even listening and I pretended to have not heard her well.
I said after you done with the dishes,do the laundry,then go get some groceries, did you hear me now? Yes ma I answered and then she left. I wondered to myself when would I have the time to do all this things,I have others things on my mind ,I was sick and tired of her and her attitude. I need to do something about it and fast.