What's up with me and my self-explanatory titles huh? Anyways, in order for Kaz and Ei to answer your questions you must comment said question in the most RECENT chapter that was uploaded. I know it was kind of stupid to put this in here but do you know how many people who still has common sense these days? No offense to anyone!!!! I'll post a demonstration chapter and an activity post where you guys can comment your questions on! Btw, this (possibly) might contain spoilers for anyone who hasn't or is still planning to continue watching/reading (the manga) DnA. I haven't finished either of those so please bear with me I'm literally 3 episodes away from Season 2 and after I finish said season (yes I say "said" alot, deal with it) I porbably/most likely will start reading the manga. But I might skip some chapters since I already know most of the story by then(-、-) Oh well! ╮(°▽ °;)╭ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this little thing I created! I was influenced by this writer on Fanfiction.net that hasn't updated her MiyuSawa Q&A T^T If anyone's interested here's the link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11100833/1/All Rights Reserved