Senator Michael Bustamante, 39, is running for president next year. His political advisers told him that he has to get married or get a fiancee before the election. Mike who has been single all his life is against the idea, but according to his advisers, his opponent, a family man will definitely win the election if Mike remains single. Margaux Soriano, 19, youngest sister of Senator Bustamante's Chief of Staff, Atty. Jonathan Soriano could not say no to her eldest brother when he approached her about it. Senator Bustamante's family has supported her family since she was young. Their father was the Bustamante's Chief security who died in protecting the older Bustamante. Because of that incident, her older brothers, Jonathan, Steven and Richard have become Lawyer and Doctors respectively with their help. But why her? The only time she had the chance to see the Senator up close was when she was ten and the Senator was 29 who was at that time a congressman. Her recollection of it was when he got mad at her for spilling juice on his pants. He is twenty years her senior (UNEDITED) Highest rank: #11 Romance (May 30, 2017)